JOB ASSIGNMENT:  Part Time - Migrant Education Program - Hazleton and surrounding areas.  This is a home-based position requiring that the employee establishes their home as the base office.


ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIP:   The Migrant Education Student Support Specialist position reports to the Migrant Education Student Support Coordinator and in their absence to the Site Manager for Migrant Education.


JOB DEFINITION:   The Migrant Education Student Support Specialist is responsible for working with schools and service agencies to advocate for and assist all students in developing positive self-concepts, educational competencies and in all areas that will enable the student to become a responsible and productive member of society and for providing summer instruction to migrant students.




General Responsibilities:

  1. Consult with colleagues, students, parents, the school district and program personnel, and other service agencies on a regular basis to improve and maintain an appropriate instructional process and program.
  2. Refer students and/or families to the appropriate service agencies and act as an advocate for migrant families.
  3. Develop and maintain an understanding of educational initiatives, developmentally appropriate programs, government and social services which are available for migrant students, and multi-cultural awareness issues as appropriate.
  4. Communicate/network with other Migrant Education Student Support Specialists and the migrant education central office staff through phone calls, meetings, and mailings.
  5. Maintain and complete required student records and refer to the student database for any educational information relevant to the child's school performance; provide the data records specialist with appropriate academic, health and support services information and inform the data records specialist of a child's withdrawal from school; maintain daily/weekly needs assessment data on all assigned students.
  6. Maintain an individualized, ongoing Needs Assessment record for each migrant student, including information on academic needs, progress and services provided.  Use needs assessment to document follow-up.
  7. Interact with assigned schools to know and understand all of the programs and services available to students in that building and to become part of the school/building community and work as a liaison among school personnel, community agencies and migrant families.
  8. Communicate with ESL/regular classroom teacher(s) for all migrant students, especially with those students who fall into the priority for service group.
  9. Contribute to recruitment by learning eligibility requirements, making referrals for recruiters, and if cross-trained, complete COE’s.
  10. Be available to work outside of traditional hours, as appropriate, in accordance with the needs of migrant students and families.


Responsibilities Pertaining to All Priority for Service Students (PFS)—(Preschool and School Age)

  1. Coordinate with school district personnel to ensure the delivery of maximum services to those students who fall into the PFS and work with school district personnel to develop a plan for instructional intervention for those students in the priority for service group.
  2. Follow students in the PFS group throughout the school year to determine if existing services suffice to make a difference in their academic achievement and provide instructional intervention if necessary.
  3. Organize and provide Extended Day, Saturday, In-Home, Summer Programs, and/or other tutorial services for those students who are in the PFS group when district and community services are not available.
  4. Refer to Head Start or other preschool program, if available, and provide a minimum of four in-home yearly visits to these students.
  5. For PFS students not participating in a preschool program, provide a minimum of 8-10 (at least two in summer) in-home visits to insure school readiness.


Responsibilities Pertaining to All Students Outside of Priority for Service (PFS)—(Preschool and School Age

  1. Check on students at least four times during the school year and once during the summer to ensure their academic needs are being met through existing school district programs and provide instructional intervention when necessary.
  2. Communicate with all appropriate district teachers for input about migrant students.
  3. Refer to Head Start or other preschool programs, if available, and provide a minimum of four in-home yearly visits (one in summer) to these students.
  4. For non-PFS students not participating in a preschool program, provide a minimum of 6-8 (at least two in summer) in-home visits to insure readiness.


Responsibilities Pertaining to Secondary Students

  1. Coordinate with school district personnel to determine appropriate credit accrual for migrant students who entering and/or attending high school.
  2. Work with migrant students, the district guidance office, and migrant parents to ensure that students interested in post-secondary education take appropriate placement tests and complete forms for admission, financial aid, and scholarships.
  3. Work with secondary team members to plan and organize at least two visits to post-secondary institutions for those students who are interested in participating in post-secondary education.


Responsibilities Pertaining to Interaction with Parents

  1. Meet personally with migrant parents for all students who fall into the priority for service group and communicate on a regular basis throughout the year to keep the parents apprised of their child’s academic progress.
  2. Meet personally with migrant parents of students who do not fall into the PFS group at least once a year.
  3. Work to prepare at least one parent workshop or provide information about pertinent issues for secondary students to individual parents.
  4. Refer migrant parents as potential board members to parent coordinator.



  1. Attend monthly in-service meetings and statewide meetings and conferences as requested.
  2. Complete weekly schedules and phone logs and submit to appropriate migrant education staff.
  3. When a migrant student’s eligibility ends, coordinate with school personnel to ensure continuity of service.
  4. Assume any other migrant education program responsibilities, as assigned.
  5. Perform other job-related duties as requested by the supervisor or designee.













  1. All property, including intellectual property, materials, equipment or actual products and services developed or accrued as part of the job duties and responsibilities listed above, is the property of the CSIU upon termination of employment from the CSIU.
  2. The person employed in this position shall maintain confidentiality with regard to the personal and private information about clients and coworkers, programs and services and any other proprietary information accrued as a result of CSIU employment or as required by state or federal laws and regulations.
  3. The person employed in this position must adhere to all requirements identified in the code of professionalism entitled “Ambassadors Are Professionals, Too” and CSIU Administrative Regulation 317-AR-1 CSIU Service Standards.


The position holder must be able to perform the essential job functions with or without reasonable accommodation.  It is the responsibility of the employee to inform their supervisor and the director of Human Resources of the need for any accommodations that may be required.